A neuropsychiatric condition affecting behavior and motor function, resulting in non-responsiveness while appearing awake. Often associated with Schizophrenia
Treatment and Managegment
- Psychopharmacology
- Benzodiazepines
- Antidepressants
- Muscle Relaxants
- Antipsychotic Medications
- Brain Stimulation Therapy: electroconvulsive therapy and NMDA antagonists.
Three of twelve symptoms must be present:
- Stupor: inability to move or respond to stimuli
- Catalepsy: rigid body posturing
- Mutism
- Waxy Flexibility: body remains in whatever position it is placed.
- Negativism: lack of verbal response
- Posturing: holding positions acting against gravity.
- Mannerisms: extreme or odd mannerisms
- Stereotypy
- Agitation without reason
- Grimacing
- Echolalia
- Echopraxia
- Rigidity and Automatic Obedience