A screening test for symptoms of movement disorders. The client is observed in several positions, and severity of symptoms are rated from 0 to 4, with 0 as absent and 4 as severe. It may be administered ever 3 to 6 months.


Indicate the client identifier, date, and examiner. Before or after the procedure, observe the client unobtrusively at rest e.g. while in the waiting room.

  • A chair is required for the examination. It should be hard and have no arms.
  • Ask the client about any items in their mouth: gum, candy; ask them to remove it.
  • Ask the client about the use of dentures and if they bother the client.
  • Ask the client about if they notice movements of their mouth, face, hands, or feet. If they do, ask for specification and description.
  1. Have the client sit in a chair with their hands on their knees, with legs slightly apart. Keep their feet flat on the floor. Observe for any movements.
  2. Ask the client to sit with their hands hanging unsupported. For men, between the legs. For women with dresses, over the knees. Observe hands and other body areas.
  3. Ask the client to protrude the tongue. Observe abnormalities of tongue movements. Perform twice.
  4. Ask the client to tap the thumb with each finger as rapidly as possible for 10 to 15 seconds, one hand at a time. Observe facial and leg movements.
  5. Flex and extend the client’s arms, one at a time.
  6. Ask the client to stand up. Observe in profile, all body areas, hips included.
  7. Ask the client to extend both arms outstretched in front with palms down. Observe the trunk, legs, and mouth.
  8. Have the client walk a few paces, turn, and walk back to the chair. Observe their hands and gait. Perform twice.